An honors project represents an extraordinary commitment to the exploration of a topic or problem in your area of study outside the parameters of regular classwork. 通常, an honors project is year-long research or substantial creative work that culminates with a critical review by faculty in the area study as well as by faculty from across the College. 本页概述了完成荣誉项目过程中的步骤.


总平均成绩不低于3分的学生.20 and a serious interest in sustained work on a topic or problem in their area of study should consider developing a proposal for an honors project. 在预计完工日期前至少六个月, students should approach a faculty member with ideas for a project and to request that that faculty member act as director of the project. 和教务主任一起, 学生应该为项目中其他重要的工作制定一个阅读清单或计划. The student and director should also consult with the Chair or Program Director in the area of study to ascertain what constitutes honors-level work in that area of study.


十月的最后一个星期一, 或三月的最后一个星期一,以便在来年秋天完成, the student should file the Intent to Complete an Honors Project form with the Academic Status Committee (ASC). This form includes the following: (1) a 250-word description of the proposed or in-progress project; (2) names and signatures of the faculty members willing to serve on the project’s Honors Review Committee; and (3) the signature of the Chair or Program Director in the area of study. 如果项目是基于顶点课程或其他课程所做的工作, the student must demonstrate how the honors project would significantly advance the work beyond what was completed or will be completed for that course. 写250字描述的指导方针可以在 常见问题解答.

The Honors Review Committee is chaired by the faculty director of the student’s project and must include at least one other faculty member in the area of study. Each area of study may have its own more detailed requirements for the composition of an Honors Review Committee. This committee is charged with determining the honors-worthiness of the project by whatever standard is appropriate in that area of study. Students interested in pursuing honors in an area of study are encouraged to discuss that area’s standards of honors-worthiness with their advisor or department chair or program director early in the process.

The ASC will review all proposals and will respond to each student in a brief letter copied to the director. 特别是, the ASC may raise questions that the student may find helpful in preparing to communicate his or her work to a college-wide audience at the Collegiate Review.


Intersession and summer offer excellent opportunities for students working on an honors project to complete research, 实验, 和/或写作. 在闭会期间或夏季没有正式的截止日期, but the student and director are advised to set reasonable goals in preparation for the honors reviews to come in the relevant term.


完成学期结束前至少六周, the student should schedule a date to meet with his or her committee for the Honors Review. 在这次会议上, the student will present the honors project in the manner recommended by the guidelines or tradition of that area of study and agreed on by his or her Honors Review Committee. 如果需要书面报告, the student should deliver the report to the Honors Review Committee one week prior to the meeting.

If the completed project receives the unanimous approval of the Honors Review Committee members, 学生可以提前参加《det365app》. 完成学期结束前至少四周, 项目主管将向ASC提交荣誉推荐信. 这份文件包括荣誉评审委员会成员的签名. The student needs to choose an at-large faculty member for the Collegiate Review Committee and use the Recommendation for Honors form to request this individual. 该学生必须已经获得该教员的批准. ASC将指派一名ASC成员加入委员会.

The Collegiate Review Committee is chaired by an ASC member and will also include an at-large faculty member and the project’s director. Neither the ASC member nor the member of the faculty-at-large can be from the project’s area of study or any of the student’s majors. 多数投票, this committee will judge the effectiveness of the student’s written and oral communication of the project to a broad audience. The Collegiate Review Committee will then submit its one-page Honors Report to the chair of the ASC committee. One unbound hard copy and an electronic copy of the final draft of the honors project (the full written portion of the project or other acceptable documentation of the project) and the title page must also be submitted to the ASC chair.

毕业前一周, the chair of the ASC will send a letter to the President’s Office and the Registrar naming the students who have met the qualifications for honors in their areas of study. 当高年级成绩到期时, the chair of the ASC and the Registrar will verify the overall GPA of eligible honors students to determine if they are still meet the approved minimum (3.(现阶段为0). 如果学生的平均成绩不符合资格,校长办公室将被通知. At graduation, students achieving honors in an area of study will be specially recognized.


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